Thorn 『PC Only/DPS/GoLoco』
If you'd like this avatar added to your Gumroad library, please purchase on Payhip and message me on discord (b.unni) with proof of purchase!
Quest ver. coming soon!
FBT ready and tested with bounding box fix
Physbones where you'd expect them
4 hairstyles to choose from
Separate hair color, hue, emission brightness, and saturation sliders for each side of hair
Individual eye hue shifts and rgb toggles
Skin tone slider!
ASL hand gestures!
Custom blink animation gives the avatar a more sultry look
Custom breathing animation! Use the radial wheel in the menu to control the breathing speed
Latest version of GoGo Locomotion with game loco and fly, as well as prone animation toggles and various brand new sit poses and emotes!
13 facial expression combinations! ComboGestureExpressions ensures that none of your facial expressions will clash!
Expressions toggles! Toggle facial expressions on or off, or lock expression
Guitar with pickup and two-handed mode
Drop microphone in world, and pick up either the stand, mic, or both!
Candle puppy follower pet
♡ NSFW Features
NSFW quick change exposes the important parts in just one toggle.
6 TPS orifices (mouth, ass, pussy, boobs, left and right hand)
Fingering and boob touch interactions
♡ Headpats that spawns heart particles with a cute facial expression
♡ Nose boops
♡ Make a fist to pick up either the guitar, microphone, or mic stand. Make an open hand to drop them in the world
♡ Lewd face when hair is pulled
♡ Annoyed face when ears and tail are pulled
♡ Pinch and pull cheeks for a cute angy expression
Instructions for Upload (In this order!)
♡ Create a new avatar project with the VRChat Creator Companion (⚠️DO NOT use an older version of the SDK! Legacy versions will break the avatar, and I do not provide support for legacy SDKs.)
♡ Import Poiyomi Toon. (⚠️Use the included package! Using older versions of Poiyomi WILL break the avatar!)
♡ If using DPS, import the Dynamic Penetration System. (⚠️You must own DPS, the package is not provided!)
♡ Import the avatar package.
How to Use ASL Gestures
♡ Make the Rock N Roll gesture with your left hand, and combine it with any gesture on the right hand.
♡ For more detailed instructions and additional gestures, see the docs here.
♡ Do NOT share this package with anyone OR upload as public in any public avatar world.
♡ This avatar is for PERSONAL USE ONLY.
♡ You MAY use this avatar for streaming/videos, please credit b.unni
♡ You MAY make edits, however you MAY NOT sell your edits.
♡ DO NOT asset mine! Please buy all assets from the sources linked and do NOT reuse any asset from this avatar for commercial use.
Body: ZinPia
Head, Bikini top: Sleepy
Eye textures: Douji
Half Up, Messy Pigtails: Saikura
Floof hair: Nessy
Glasses, Punky set, Fishnets: Vinuzhka
Ears, Batwing top set: Whituu (1, 2)
Ripped sweater: KingShai69
Boots: Zoxl
Gloves: Deimos
Tail: Sockembopem
Rings: Eggly
Lanterns: Bvbybvnshee
Nipple piercings: Empressmoon
Tears: Axphy
Hand trails: Xxuebi
Heart plob: Milkymutt
Puppy follower: Beartrap
Microphone: Aike
Microphone stand: shaylastweart
Female part: HLLHVND
Parasol: Vera_0#9844